Daughters of War by Dinah Jefferies: Exhilarating and at times terrifying - book review -

Daughters of War by Dinah JefferiesDaughters of War by Dinah Jefferies
Daughters of War by Dinah Jefferies
As the long shadow of wartime falls over a quiet village in the French region of Dordogne in spring of 1944, three sisters dream of the end of Nazi occupation.

But as the local Résistance movement grows bolder and the Allies prepare for a counteroffensive in Western Europe, the young women’s lives are set to become more complex and more dangerous by the day.

Well-known for her string of atmospheric and sensual novels set in some of the world’s most exotic 20th century colonial locations – and a foray into European wartime in last year’s The Tuscan Contessa – Dinah Jefferies sweeps us away to Vichy France in the first of what promises to be a thrilling trilogy.

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