Sana is community champion

Sana KhanSana Khan
Sana Khan
The President of Thomas Whitham Sixth Form's Student Union has been presented with a prestigious award from The Lancashire BME Network.

Sana Khan won the Community Champion Award, for the work she has been doing to promote community cohesion and integration.

The organisation recognised her selflessness in volunteering to work with young people at weekends and in the evenings across the region, as part of the team delivering the Positive Prospects programme.

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This work involves working to raise the awareness of issues surrounding alcohol and drug usage among young people and aims to promote healthier lifestyles and choices.

Sana said: “I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to receive the award.

"I also feel very proud. It is an honour, as a young person, to be recognised for taking part in volunteering work. After I leave Thomas Whitham sixth form, my aim is to continue to volunteer as a part of my way of contributing to society."

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