Burnley householders needed to help vulnerable young people

Chantelle DhontChantelle Dhont
Chantelle Dhont
A project helping vulnerable young people is seeking householders in Burnley to provide home-from-home accommodation.

Since M3 Project was established in 2003, it has always offered its supported lodgings service to homeless young people which enables them to gain essential skills to go on to live independently.

The charity is based in Rawtenstall, but works throughout East Lancashire and is particularly keen to recruit new householders in Burnley so local young people can find accommodation in the borough.

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Household Support Worker Emma Bird said: “Our householders form a vital part of our team at M3, their role is fundamental to the success of the project.

“Householders do not adopt the role of a parent, but they encourage the young person to find solutions and learn how to live independently so that when their time on the project ends, they have the skills to move on to their own place.”

Chantelle Dhont (25) who used to live in Burnley, needed the help of M3 Project after her relationship with her family broke down.

She spent most of her childhood in care and needed the charity’s help after her family didn’t approve of her relationship with an older man.

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She said: “M3 Project has saved my life. If I had not been helped by M3 I don’t think I would be here today as I was on self-destruct.

“I used to see myself as the victim of circumstances and now I am so grateful for all the chances I have been given in life.

“When I needed help, M3 was there for me and I am so grateful for everything.”

The charity helped her get her own flat, she works part-time and also helps to deliver The Listening Project, a mediation service at M3.