Could you become a Weight Loss Warrior?

A Pendle instructor is hoping people will become Weight Loss Warriors with his new three week programme - and also raise money for charity.

Instructor Paul Simcock is launching a course of 12 sessions which will include low intensity exercise classes, cooking demonstrations and weigh and measure time.

This initial programme will run from Monday until Monday, June 27th, and sessions are on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm at the Ultimate Strength and Fitness Health Club in Brunswick Street, Nelson.

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The Weight Loss Warriors are supporting Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation and each member who signs up is asked to raise £2 in sponsorship for every one pound they lose - £1 for each charity.

Paul said: “I am really looking forward to meeting potential weight loss candidates, promoting a healthy lifestyle and changing people’s bad habits for the better.

“I feel excited by the diet side of this as it is not calorie restricted and so people have no fear of feeling hungry all the time.

“I have seen this diet work on many individuals and so I am keen to use it within a group activity. Groups tend to work better than individuals because of the moral support and camaraderie.”

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Paul has more than 30 years experience in health and fitness and this initial course is reduced by 70 per cent. The cost is £30 for the 12 classes over three weeks or £12 per week and is limited to 20 people. Each member will receive support, food diaries, a recipe booklet, snacks, entry into all the classes and educational materials on health awareness.

“Out of 20 people I would expect an overall weight loss of around 50–60lbs a week, possibly closer to 200lb over the three weeks,” added Paul.

Leah Mitchell, local Fundraising Manager for Cancer Research UK said: “We are grateful for Paul’s support of Cancer Research UK. The charity receives no Government funding for our ground-breaking work, so we rely on the generosity and efforts of supporters like Paul.”

To register contact Paul on 07791 857781 or email