Front-line Burnley police issued with brand-new Samsung devices

Commissioner Grunshaw out in the field with an officer.Commissioner Grunshaw out in the field with an officer.
Commissioner Grunshaw out in the field with an officer.
Police officers across Lancashire are being equipped with new Samsung devices to ensure that they can benefit from the latest technology in their work and spend more time on the streets.

Recent investment in the force has allowed for a roll-out of the latest mobile technology for the first time since 2015, meaning that officers do not need to return to a police station to complete paperwork. Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw himself got a flavour of the impact the upgrades have had as he joined an officer in his role.

"Since initially investing into devices four years ago, I have seen how these have revolutionised the way that officers carry out their duties and allow more time in our communities instead of sat at a desk," said the commissioner, with officers in front-line roles issued with a Samsung Note 9 and other officers with Samsung A40s.

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"After losing over 750 officers since 2010, this investment has been crucial in helping the force deal with the additional pressures that this, along with an ever increasing demand on the service, has placed on those who protect the people of Lancashire around the clock," he added. "Ensuring that our officers have the very best equipment to allow them to do their job is crucial and this investment recognises the positive response across the force from officers who have utilised the devices."

Chief Inspector Dave Hannan from Lancashire Constabulary commented: "The setup of the new devices is based on officer's feedback. It is quicker, which makes access to crucial information much faster. Officers have been very positive about the upgrade and appreciate the investment that is made in this area of business"