Protesters draw enormous penis near Stansted Airport to welcome Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s controversial visits to the UK have encouraged some inventive forms of protest from those who would rather he stayed in the US.

Last year a giant baby Trump blimp took to the skies, and now the President of the United States of America has been greeted by enormous phallic symbols.

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Before he had even landed in the UK, Trump was subjected to a huge penis with his name next to the tip, mowed into grass near Stansted airport.

Image was mown into grass near the airport

The creative display was the work of Born Eco, an online marketplace for environmentally friendly traders, who posted about it on Twitter.

— born_eco (@born_eco) June 2, 2019

The gargantuan protest artworks say “Oi Trump” and “Climate change is real”, and include an image of a polar bear.

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In a tweet with photos of the display, Born Eco said: “Give us a wave when you fly over tomorrow!! @realDonaldTrump.”

The pictures in the grass are not the only form of protest planned for Trump’s visit, which will see him dining with the Royal Family.

Baby blimp will also fly