LETTER: Pilgrimages to First World War battlefields

EACH year the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Battlefield Research Section organise pilgrimages to the battle areas of the First World War.

This year is the 95th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, an area we are visiting in September; seats are still available. We also plan to visit the battlefield areas of Ypres Salient, Arras, Vimy Ridge and Loos, if requested.

The trips specialise in visiting specific cemeteries or memorials, as and when requested, and an experienced guide will accompany each trip to commentate on the many historic events and we can also assist people to trace war graves.

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The Battlefield Research Section was formed as a charitable hobby in 1990 by ex-servicemen who have many years practical experience in conducting visits and we support a variety of ex-service charities and institutions. The trips are open to anyone who might be interested and we welcome all enquiries. Ring 01977 734614 or write to me at the address below. We would appreciate a medium-sized SAE for postal replies.